The UN Security Council recently made a decision on what action to take towards Syria. Pretend that you were at this council. Would you vote to take action against Syria, or would you vote to stay neutral? Why? If you want to do something about Syria, what would you like to do?
(Student comments are below!)
I think it is not always okay to take action toward another country. But, if that country is using any weapons to civilians, it's okay to take action. I would vote to take action against Syria because there shouldn't be more people dying. In specific, we should stop the war immediately to prevent more deaths.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I will talk with Syria and stop war between citizens and the government. Next, I'll talk to the government about not to use violence and keep human rights for everyone. I will talk that they listen to Syrians' opinions too. Second, I will help poor people to give food or few money or products. They must be afraid and starved. Last, I will have discussion between Syrian government and Syria citizens. They will understand each other and will keep human rights more.
ReplyDeleteI think the UN and other countries should stay neutral instead of taking action. Since both sides have done terrible things like killing innocent people, neither the government nor the rebellion side is doing the right thing. Helping only one side will be unfair. Also, most countries are allied with each other. If two countries support different sides, it will have a risk to be WWII, because other countries will also support allied countries. Finally, democracy is worthy when it is won by themselves. For example, Korea have won democracy by having violent protests two times. By doing this, Korea won democracy, and Korea is now a democratic country.
ReplyDeleteI would rather stay neutral. But instead of staying neutral, I will take away Syrian army's weapons away from them. It will be better to disturb them indirectly. If we take military action to them, I think it will make the problem worse. Many people might get hurt or die during stopping this conflict. Also, this civil war is Syrian's own problem. They should solve it by themselves. It doesn't help to solve this complex situation clearly.
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, Korean government has been autocracy which became why the nations have to be against to them. It was fierce. They killed each other, made a big fire, and even there were some terrors showing their crazy feelings towards Democracy. It was dangerous but none of the other countries helped us. I think that they ignored us was one of the reasons why Korea has succeeded in many ways. We could have become the bigger nation, the more powerful nation.
ReplyDeleteI strongly say that we have to stay neutral as one of the members in the UN Security Council.
I would vote to take action against Syria. If government do nothing, more and more people will get injured and die. To save people in Syria, the UN should do something for them.
ReplyDeleteI think we should take action against Syria. In Syria, I think we should not send the army to there, because our country citizen can be dangerous and its their work and things to solve.
ReplyDeleteWe should send doctor, teacher, those of people with food.
We have to protect their life especially children and teach them to get better education than before. Then, our government can help them to get their job.
I think this is the best way to help Syria.
If I was in this council, I'll take action against Syria. Because if there was nobody against Syria's government there is no reason to take action. But in Syria there is a lot of rebellion. The second reason is Al Assad has taken away the people's freedom and there are rights.